Build your Vision

Create and stream workspaces programmatically in your application

Simply drop in an iframe or a link to a streamed app, such as this example. For full control you can use the Workspaces Developer API to handle just about any use case. See our example Flask app that uses the developer API on the backend within a custom webapp.

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Platform Automation and Orchestration

Features that power your application.

Use SAML authentication to secure access to user streamed containers.

If the application you are streaming can generate web traffic, Kasm has a built in forward proxy with whitelisting, blacklisting, and URL categorization to ensure users can only do things inside your environment that are authorized.

Control every detail of your environment based on settings applied to groups. Nested groups allow for complex and finite control over the look, feel, behavior, and security settings for each user environment.

Stream containerized apps to any modern browser.

Dynamically scale compute resources with support for AWS and Digital Ocean.

Kasm has built-in centralized logging and integrates natively with Splunk and other tools that support web based logging.

Casting allows for authenticated or unauthenticated sessions accessible via a simple URL.

Share a single containerized UI app with multiple users.

Kasm is already fast when provisioning new environments for users. Additionally, the platform supports pre-staging of dynamically created cloud resources and pre-staging of containers. With these features enabled, end-users experience an instant remote environment streamed to their browser.