.. title:: Standalone Remote Database Standalone Remote Database ========================== Admins may wish to use a Managed Database Service such as RDS and Elasticache or have a separate PostgreSQL Database and Redis server from their Kasm installation. This guide provides instructions on how to initialize the database server from a remote machine and then install the Kasm WebApp. Requirements ------------ - Remote PostgreSQL server supports PostgreSQL version 12. - Remote PostgreSQL either already has a User "kasmapp" in the database "kasm" **OR** you have SuperUser credentials on the database. - Remote Redis server supports Redis version 5. - Machine executing initialization and the WebApp server can both connect to the PostgreSQL Database (default port TCP/5432) - WebApp servers can connect to Redis Server (default port TCP/6379) Initializing PostgreSQL Server ------------------------------ - Download latest version of Kasm Workspaces to /tmp - Extract package and initialize the Database. .. parsed-literal:: cd /tmp curl -O |release_url| tar -xf kasm_release*.tar.gz sudo bash kasm_release/install.sh -e -S init_remote_db -q [DATABASE_HOSTNAME] -Q [DATABASE_KASMAPP_USER_PASSWORD] -g [DATABASE_SUPERUSER_USERNAME] -G [DATABASE_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD] .. note:: If the Database already has the **User** "kasmapp" and **database** "kasm" created you may omit the ``-g`` and ``-G`` parameters. Installing Kasm WebApp ---------------------- - Download latest version of Kasm Workspaces to /tmp - Extract package and initialize the Database. .. code-block:: bash cd /tmp tar -xf kasm_release*.tar.gz sudo bash kasm_release/install.sh -e -S app -q [DATABASE_HOSTNAME] -Q [DATABASE_KASMAPP_USER_PASSWORD] -o [REDIS_HOSTNAME] -R [REDIS_PASSWORD] .. note:: If you are using Redis on Elasticache you will need to set ``[REDIS_PASSWORD]`` to ``""``.