--- myst: html_meta: "description lang=en": "Kasm Workspaces with Microsoft Windows in Azure." "keywords": "Kasm, Compute, Server, Configuration, RDP, Windows, Microsoft, Azure" "property=og:locale": "en_US" --- ```{title} Azure ``` #### Azure ```{important} The following instructions utilize the Azure CLI. You can open the CLI in the Azure web portal and run these commands directly. See Microsoft's [instructions](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cloud-shell/quickstart?source=recommendations&tabs=azurecli) for basic usage of the Azure Cloud Shell environment. ``` The next step in the AutoScale Configuration is the VM Provider Details page. 1. Select **Azure** from the Provider Drop Down. 2. Provide a name for your configuration. 3. Enter a Subscription ID, Resource Group, and Tenant ID. 4. Enter the Client ID and Client Secret created by following the [Azure App Registration](../../compute/pools.md#register-azure-app) instructions. 5. Select the Azure Authority from the drop down. Most users will select **Azure Public Cloud**. 6. Enter the region name, you can use the following Azure CLI command to list available regions, use the Name column. ```bash az account list-locations -o table ``` 7. Enter the **Maximum Instances**. This puts an upper limit on the number of VMs this auto scale configuration can create. 8. Enter a VM Size by name. Use the following Azure CLI command to list all VM sizes available in the desired region. ```bash az vm list-sizes --location "westus" ``` 9. Enter the OS [Disk Type](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/disks-types), using the [Azure Disk Type SKU](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storagerp/srp_sku_types). The following is the current list of available type names. Not all disk SKUs are compatible with all VM size types. | Disk Type Name | |-----------------| | Standard_LRS | | Standard_GRS | | Standard_RAGRS | | Standard_ZRS | | Premium_LRS | | Premium_ZRS | | Standard_GZRS | | Standard_RAGZRS | 10. Enter the **OS Disk Size**, in gigabytes. The size need to be at least the size of the target OS Image Reference, defined in the next field. 11. Enter the **OS Image Reference** JSON. Use the following Azure CLI command to list images in the JSON format expected by Kasm. Note that these are default Azure provided images, however, you will most likely need to create a Custom Image. ```bash # List Windows Server Editions using the offline list (faster) az vm image list --architecture x64 --location westus --offer WindowsServer # Search the full Marketplace for Desktop versions of Windows az vm image list --architecture x64 --location westus --all --publisher MicrosoftWindowsDesktop ``` Here is an example of an OS Image Reference JSON value returned by one of the above queries that can be used. ```json { "architecture": "x64", "offer": "windows-ent-cpc", "publisher": "MicrosoftWindowsDesktop", "sku": "win11-22h2-ent-cpc-os", "urn": "MicrosoftWindowsDesktop:windows-ent-cpc:win11-22h2-ent-cpc-os:22621.963.221213", "version": "22621.963.221213" } ``` 12. Check the **Image is Windows** checkbox. 13. Enter the target **Network Security Group**. In the Azure portal, find your Network Security Group, go to Properties, and find the Resource ID field. 14. Enter the target **Subnet**. In the Azure portal, find your subnet, go to Properties, and find the Resource ID field. 15. Check the **Assign Public IP** box if you desire your VMs to have public IP addresses. It is more secure to not have public IP addresses assigned. Kasm will provide a secure way to provide access to private systems and therefore, it is not strictly necessary to have a public IP. 16. Optionally provide additional tags for the VM, use empty `{}` brackets if no additional tags are needed. 12. Enter a public SSH Key, this is required even for Windows systems. 13. Enter a PowerShell startup script. Azure does not automatically run this script on startup like other cloud providers. You will need to create Custom Image in order for the startup script to execute on boot. The following example will create a local user account using the **Connection Username** and **Connection Password** fields specified on the previous screen. This is only relevant if you are using static credentials and will not work [Active Directory](../authentication.md) integration. ```powershell $pass = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "{connection_password}" -AsPlainText -Force New-LocalUser -Name {connection_username} -Description 'Programatically generated Kasm user account' -Password $pass -PasswordNeverExpires -AccountNeverExpires | Add-LocalGroupMember -Group administrators | Add-LocalGroupMember -Group "Remote Desktop Users" Start-Service -Name "Audiosrv" ``` 14. Enter a **Config Override** as JSON. In the example we used Windows 11, which requires SecureBoot to be enabled an the securityType to be set to TrustedLaunch. This is not required for older versions of Windows such as Windows 10 and therefore it is not required to provide override settings for those cases. ```json { "virtual_machine": { "properties": { "securityProfile": { "uefiSettings": { "secureBootEnabled": true, "vTpmEnabled": true }, "securityType": "TrustedLaunch" } } } } ```
Custom Image
Unlike most other cloud providers, Azure does not automatically execute the startup script on boot. You need to create a custom image and implement your own method of executing that script on boot. The following method has been tested by Kasm, but is by no means the only method that can be used. **These procedures are only necessary if you want to utilize Kasm's startup script injection and perform custom actions on boot of the VMs.** 1. Manually create a VM using the appropriate base image, such as Windows 11 Enterprise 2. Install the required software and configure the OS as appropriate for your environment 3. Create a file with the following contents at C:\AzureData\startup.cmd ``` schtasks /Delete /TN "DomainJoin" /F cd C:\AzureData :CheckForFile IF EXIST CustomData.bin GOTO FoundIt TIMEOUT /T 5 >nul GOTO CheckForFile :FoundIt ren CustomData.bin CustomData.ps1 PowerShell -Command "Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted" PowerShell -file C:\AzureData\CustomData.ps1 ``` 4. Open a Windows Command Prompt as an Administrator and execute the following command. ``` schtasks /create /tn "DomainJoin" /sc onstart /rl highest /ru system /tr "cmd /c C:\AzureData\startup.cmd > C:\AzureData\startup.log 2>&1" ``` 5. Run sysprep on the VM and shut it down. Run the following in an elevated command prompt. ``` cd %windir%\system32\sysprep sysprep.exe /oobe /generalize /mode:vm /shutdown ``` ```{warning} You may get an error message when running the above command on a Windows 11 system using the default Azure provided image. Look at the log file indicated by the error message. If you see an error message near the bottom of the logs indicating OneDriveSync was installed for the user but not provisioned for all users, remove the software from an elevated PowerShell session with the following command. **Try sysprep again after running this command**. get-appxpackage -allusers -name "microsoft.Onedrivesync" | Remove-appxpackage ``` 6. Run the following command to get a list of VMs and find the VM that you just ran sysprep on. ``` az vm list -otable ``` 7. The table provided by the above command will contain the VM name and its resource group name. Plug in your VM name and resource group name into the below command in order to generalize the VM. ``` az vm generalize -g RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME -n VM_NAME ``` 8. Create a Gallery, which is how images are shared and organized in Azure. Plug in your resource group name and your desired Gallery name. ``` az sig create --resource-group RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --gallery-name GALLERY_NAME ``` 9. Obtain the full ID of the VM you want to create an image from. Plug in your resource group name and VM name into the below command. ``` az vm get-instance-view -g RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME -n VM_NAME --query id ``` The output should look similar to the following and will be used in step 11. ``` "/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/" ``` 10. From the Azure portal search bar, search for 'Azure compute galleries' and find the Gallery you created on step 8. Click into that gallery. Click the drop down on the Add button and select 'VM Image Definition'. Provide a VM image definition name and select Windows as the OS Type. The Security Type and VM generation may differ based on what base image you started from. For Windows 11, select Trusted Launch for the Security Type, which will lock you into VM generation 2. After creating the image definition, take note of the name for the subsequent steps. 11. Create an Image version. Plug in your resource group name, gallery name, image definition, desired version number, and target regions into the following Azure CLI command. For the managed-image field, use the ID you got from step 9. ``` az sig image-version create \ --resource-group RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME \ --gallery-name GALLERY_NAME \ --gallery-image-definition IMAGE_DEFINITION_NAME \ --gallery-image-version 1.0.0 \ --target-regions "eastus" \ --replica-count 2 \ --managed-image "" ``` Make note of the ID returned from the above command for the next step. 12. In the VM Provider configuration, Step 11, put the ID returned by the previous step into the **OS Image Reference** field. The following is an example. ```json { "id": "/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Compute/galleries//images/IMAGE_DEFINITION_NAME/versions/1.0.0" } ```