--- myst: html_meta: "description lang=en": "Kasm Workspaces troubleshooting SIGTRAP." "keywords": "Kasm, Troubleshooting, Debugging" "property=og:locale": "en_US" --- ```{title} Troubleshooting - SIGTAP ``` ## SIGTRAP Browser Crash If a Chromium based browser inside the workspace session crashes with a SIGTRAP error, it may be an indication that browser has exhausted the `/dev/shm` shared memory segment allotted to the container. This is more likely to occur if the browser is running a large number of tabs and/or resource intensive pages. ```{figure} /images/troubleshooting/sigtrap/error.png :align: center **Browser crashing with SIGTRAP error** ``` To reduce the likelihood of this error occurring, the administrator can increase the size of `/dev/shm` for the container by adding a custom value via {ref}`docker-run-config` on an individual Workspace, or at the Group level. The example below changes the size to `4g` (4 gigabytes). If not defined, the default is `512m` (512 megabytes). ```bash { "shm_size" : "4g" } ```