.. title:: Developer API Developer API ============= The Kasm Workspaces Developer API can be leveraged to extend the systems functionality and/or integrate with an exiting platform. Integrators interface with the API to create and manage sessions, users and groups. .. figure:: /images/api/workflow.png :width: 100% :align: center **Integration Workflow** Code-less Integration Options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Integrators are encouraged to review :doc:`Session Casting <../guide/casting>` which provides an easy way to expose access to Kasm sessions via special URLs. API Keys ~~~~~~~~ API Keys can be generated via the **Developers** tab. An **API_KEY** and **API_KEY_SECRET** will be automatically generated. .. figure:: /images/api/api_key.png :width: 70% :align: center **Creating an API Key** Authentication ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The API key and secret must be sent with all of the following requests as json data. .. sourcecode:: js { "api_key": "bMjMwTT0JKUQ" "api_key_secret": "KUNAvRw4KLHGmldBxhRUD5sAhWkvJVzS" } Base URL ~~~~~~~~ https:///api/public/ Errors ~~~~~~ In the event of an error processing an api request, Kasm will respond with an **error_message** in the body of the json response **Example Response** .. sourcecode:: js {"error_message": ""} Users ~~~~~ Create User +++++++++++ Create a new user. .. http:post:: /api/public/create_user **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key":"{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", "target_user": { "username" : "test_user1@example.com", "first_name" : "Bob", "last_name" : "Williams", "locked": false, "disabled": false, "organization": "example", "phone": "123-456-7890", "password": "3UPKGg7g!a9g2@39v6" } } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "user": { "first_name": "Bob", "username": "test_user1@example.com", "realm": "local", "last_name": "Williams", "phone": "123-456-7890", "last_session": null, "notes": null, "user_id": "50faa5439c574b518cd868dac9256e4b", "groups": [ { "name": "All Users", "group_id": "68d557ac4cac42cca9f31c7c853de0f3" } ], "disabled": false, "organization": "example", "locked": false } } Get User ++++++++ Retrieve the properties of an existing user. :code:`target_user.user_id` or :code:`target_user.username` can be passed .. http:post:: /api/public/get_user **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", "target_user": { "user_id": "4bbb6998064a4d1ea4685f3cdd05feb4", "username": "user@kasm.local" } } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "user": { "user_id": "4bbb6998064a4d1ea4685f3cdd05feb4", "username": "user@kasm.local", "locked": false, "last_session": "2020-11-09 14:41:33.578622", "groups": [ { "name": "All Users", "group_id": "68d557ac4cac42cca9f31c7c853de0f3" } ], "first_name": null, "last_name": null, "phone": null, "organization": null, "notes": null, "kasms": [ { "kasm_id": "28cfc2a510bb424cad18e571f11ee26c", "start_date": "2020-11-09 14:46:42.321900", "keepalive_date": "2020-11-09 14:46:43.140623", "expiration_date": "2020-11-09 15:46:43.140623", "server": { "server_id": "36e2aeff0e02445db26a521c9c85f1c1", "hostname": "proxy", "port": 443 } } ], "realm": "local", "two_factor": false, "program_id": null, "hash": "9fdfdaad0098cdd8a466b2badbaf962e40214affb07596a6e9d776a409793780" } } Get Users +++++++++ Retrieve the list of users registered in the system. .. http:post:: /api/public/get_users **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "users": [ { "kasms": [], "company": {}, "username": "user@kasm.local", "locked": false, "realm": "local", "phone": null, "first_name": null, "notes": null, "user_id": "57e8fc1a-fa86-4ff4-9474-60d9831f42d5", "last_session": "2020-11-12 14:29:25.808258", "groups": [ { "name": "All Users", "group_id": "68d557ac4cac42cca9f31c7c853de0f3" } ], "disabled": true, "organization": null, "last_name": null }, { "kasms": [], "company": {}, "username": "admin@kasm.local", "locked": false, "realm": "local", "phone": null, "first_name": null, "notes": null, "user_id": "4acb13bf-1215-4972-9f0d-8c537d17f2da", "last_session": "2020-11-12 14:35:19.700863", "groups": [ { "name": "All Users", "group_id": "68d557ac4cac42cca9f31c7c853de0f3" }, { "name": "Administrators", "group_id": "31aa063c670648589533d3c42092d02a" } ], "disabled": false, "organization": null, "last_name": null } ] } Update User +++++++++++ Update the properties of an existing user. .. http:post:: /api/public/update_user **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key":"{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", "target_user": { "user_id": "4acb13bf-1215-4972-9f0d-8c537d17f2da", "username" : "test_user1@example.com", "first_name" : "Bob", "last_name" : "Williams", "locked": false, "disabled": false, "organization": "example", "phone": "123-456-7890", "password": "3UPKGg7g!a9g2@39v6" } } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "user": { "first_name": "Bob", "username": "test_user1@example.com", "realm": "local", "last_name": "Williams", "phone": "123-456-7890", "last_session": null, "notes": null, "user_id": "50faa5439c574b518cd868dac9256e4b", "groups": [ { "name": "All Users", "group_id": "68d557ac4cac42cca9f31c7c853de0f3" } ], "disabled": false, "organization": "example", "locked": false } } Delete User +++++++++++ Delete an existing user. If the user has any existing Kasm sessions, deletion will fail. Set the **force** option to true to delete the user's sessions and delete the user. .. http:post:: /api/public/delete_user **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", "target_user": { "user_id": "4bbb6998064a4d1ea4685f3cdd05feb4" }, "force": false } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json {} Logout User +++++++++++ Logout all sessions for an existing user. .. http:post:: /api/public/logout_user **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", "target_user": { "user_id": "4bbb6998064a4d1ea4685f3cdd05feb4" } } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json {} Get User Attributes +++++++++++++++++++ Get the attribute (preferences) settings for an existing user. .. http:post:: /api/public/get_attributes **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", "target_user": { "user_id": "67d7c4e6-f891-4900-897f-ce5ed62fecc0", } } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "user_attributes": { "ssh_public_key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCjy8izTD7DlykY0J7iiBn4ysIRqLBwM94ZnjfYH1XAo96ay3grQjSDl5f4u0hrVz6bX62kgPlm9QvTqceNZ+rC/anKp/9nQIrDM6y2W3jNUM6Eo+Ryh7xIOII2lnCbtE/M4urX4lZx3oB2JyIMSIN3yvKUBCSht5FsFabguc8i+nwLvXjmnZx+fcR2/BNcIM9UjCfYBjLFd1XFER7aIXjRy7y2MJQHCFrzhDThNllJ6C1oMZiBsBJ5lXpBmlim80A9IvcW7YBgsAQoqLgrCvRc7IdENTzPAyyhODE/ib5SkwK/peUuCRM+SZnPpUGlv9emLXVjrg5P+TPO/N/v7lyj", "show_tips": false, "user_id": "57e8fc1afa864ff4947460d9831f42d5", "toggle_control_panel": false, "chat_sfx": true, "user_attributes_id": "ef7b72db25b14ab1ac98ac19676ac93f", "default_image": null, "auto_login_kasm": null } } Update User Attributes ++++++++++++++++++++++ Update a users attributes. .. http:post:: /api/public/update_user_attributes **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", "target_user_attributes": { "user_id": "67d7c4e6-f891-4900-897f-ce5ed62fecc0", "auto_login_kasm": false, "default_image": "b2609fbf72954b20a56c1fe502aa2c41", "show_tips": false, "toggle_control_panel": false } } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json {} Kasms ~~~~~ Request Kasm ++++++++++++ Requesting a Kasm will create and start the container and assign a user to that Kasm. .. note:: If you intend to integrate Kasm into your app and will utilize iframes to load user sessions, be sure to set the **Same Site Cookie Policy** `Global Setting <../guide/settings.html#authentication>`_ to None if the Kasm Workspaces server is hosted under a different domain name. Reference: ``__ .. http:post:: /api/public/request_kasm **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", "user_id": "8affcdbc16fc4910acb8a6dc268cd7ed", "image_id": "6a2d63fa8959412ca5fddd3890fb7223", "enable_sharing": true, "environment": { "ENV_VAR": "value" } } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "kasm_id": "6d62ec66-3062-4f1d-b861-aeb3f5ca2390", "session_token": "b03bf84a-53fc-4934-85e4-c434461f1178", "username": "1d47uudwcynkd2su", "status": "starting", "share_id": "fe9770a4", "user_id": "8affcdbc16fc4910acb8a6dc268cd7ed", "kasm_url": "/#/connect/kasm/6d62ec66-3062-4f1d-b861-aeb3f5ca2390/8affcdbc16fc4910acb8a6dc268cd7ed/b03bf84a-53fc-4934-85e4-c434461f1178" } **Arguments** user_id* *string*: An user Id can be specified to create the Kasm under that user. If no User ID is sent an anonymous user will be created and used for the Kasm. image_id* *string*: An image id can be sent for the desired image. Otherwise the default image sent on the group or user level will be used. enable_sharing* *boolean*: When the enable sharing flag is set to true the kasm will be created with sharing mode automatically enabled. kasm_url* *string*: If specified, the browser inside the Kasm session will navigate to this page. This is only applicable if the Image used is Kasm Chrome, Kasm Firefox, or Kasm Tor Browser. environment* *dict*: Optional environmental variables to inject into the created container. \* Optional **Response Format** kasm_id *string*: Returns the ID for the newly created Kasm. session_token *string*: Returns the token created for the user used in authorization of the Kasm. username *string*: Returns the username of the specified or newly created user. status *string*: Returns the operational status of the Kasm. Will be in Starting, Running or Stopped state. share_id *string*: Returns the Share id user_id *string*: Returns the user id of the specified or newly created user kasm_url *string*: Returns the url path to the specified kasm. This path must be appended to the current Kasm Workspaces server address. It is in the form of /#/connect/kasm/// Direct the user's browser to this url to access the Kasm session. This link should not be re-used for different users. Get Kasm Status +++++++++++++++ After creating a kasm the status can be checked with get_kasm_status. This call also updates the session token for the user creating a new connection link and invalidating the old one. .. http:post:: /api/public/get_kasm_status **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", "user_id": "c7357f11eb4d47ad8021b5847d8415d8", "kasm_id": "d79ccb22-f6e7-4473-b8a2-a77da82278da" } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "current_time": "2020-11-12 13:30:24.833834", "kasm_url": "/#/connect/kasm/116f18170fdc4a1a87146164a880fb93/583035bb-5819-4e51-83b9-21223badc569/2d110a49-4c6a-48b9-8cfb-398d6f543d5b", "kasm": { "expiration_date": "2020-11-12 14:28:40.446756", "container_ip": "", "start_date": "2020-11-12 13:28:40.446737", "point_of_presence": null, "token": "43ab8a765e1e42fe9ee637783731f577", "image_id": "e12266d0f5f44bf5afb80b6c41fabce2", "view_only_token": "6f756f76e8704772bd8e32eb4d7bb835", "cores": 1.0, "hostname": "kasm.server", "kasm_id": "116f18170fdc4a1a87146164a880fb93", "port_map": { "audio": { "port": 443, "path": "desktop/116f1817-0fdc-4a1a-8714-6164a880fb93/audio" }, "vnc": { "port": 443, "path": "desktop/116f1817-0fdc-4a1a-8714-6164a880fb93/vnc" }, "audio_input": { "port": 443, "path": "desktop/116f1817-0fdc-4a1a-8714-6164a880fb93/audio_input" }, "uploads": { "port": 443, "path": "desktop/116f1817-0fdc-4a1a-8714-6164a880fb93/uploads" } }, "image": { "image_id": "e12266d0f5f44bf5afb80b6c41fabce2", "name": "kasmweb/chrome:1.8.0", "image_src": "img/thumbnails/chrome.png", "friendly_name": "Kasm Chrome" }, "is_persistent_profile": false, "memory": 1768000000, "operational_status": "running", "client_settings": { "allow_kasm_audio": false, "idle_disconnect": 20, "lock_sharing_video_mode": true, "allow_persistent_profile": false, "allow_kasm_clipboard_down": false, "allow_kasm_microphone": false, "allow_kasm_downloads": false, "kasm_audio_default_on": false, "allow_point_of_presence": false, "allow_kasm_uploads": false, "allow_kasm_clipboard_up": false, "enable_webp": false, "allow_kasm_sharing": true, "allow_kasm_clipboard_seamless": false }, "container_id": "dbc977159f79e55c466fec52a5b4954b7c26ba88e51937d85a5077d7c79e92e5", "port": 443, "keepalive_date": "2020-11-12 13:28:40.446754", "user_id": "583035bb58194e5183b921223badc569", "persistent_profile_mode": null, "share_id": "30a09d61", "host": "", "server_id": "8270f8f0acfd4a34a56cc9a9cb7a67d9" } } **Arguments** user_id *string*: The user ID associated with the requested kasm. kasm_id *string*: The ID of the desired Kasm. skip_agent_check *bool* Skip connecting out to the agent to verify status of the container, instead use the current value in the database for the status. **Response Format** current_time *string*: Returns the time at which the call was recieved in UTC. kasm *json object*: Returns the Kasm object containing all of the current information. kasm_url *string*: Returns the link path to the specified kasm. This path must be appended to the current Kasm Workspaces server address. It is in the form of /#/connect/kasm/// Direct the user's browser to this url to access the Kasm session. This link should not be re-used for different users. Join Kasm +++++++++ Join Kasm returns the status of the shared kasm and a join url to connect to the Kasm session as a view-only user. .. http:post:: /api/public/join_kasm **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", "user_id":"c7357f11eb4d47ad8021b5847d8415d8", "share_id":"89cc8cd3" } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "current_time": "2020-11-12 13:36:16.065711", "session_token": "c9ade890-7693-44bc-a1d4-797bbddf6771", "user_id": "583035bb58194e5183b921223badc569", "kasm": { "port_map": { "vnc": { "port": 443, "path": "desktop/116f1817-0fdc-4a1a-8714-6164a880fb93/vnc" }, "audio": { "port": 443, "path": "desktop/116f1817-0fdc-4a1a-8714-6164a880fb93/audio" } }, "port": 443, "hostname": "kasm.server", "image": { "image_id": "e12266d0f5f44bf5afb80b6c41fabce2", "name": "kasmweb/chrome:1.8.0", "image_src": "img/thumbnails/chrome.png", "friendly_name": "Kasm Chrome" }, "view_only_token": "6f756f76e8704772bd8e32eb4d7bb835", "user": { "username": "anon_2wipg0symxwmm4i1" }, "share_id": "30a09d61", "host": "", "client_settings": { "allow_kasm_audio": false, "idle_disconnect": 20, "lock_sharing_video_mode": true, "allow_persistent_profile": false, "allow_kasm_clipboard_down": false, "allow_kasm_microphone": false, "allow_kasm_downloads": false, "kasm_audio_default_on": false, "allow_point_of_presence": false, "allow_kasm_uploads": false, "allow_kasm_clipboard_up": false, "enable_webp": false, "allow_kasm_sharing": true, "allow_kasm_clipboard_seamless": false }, "kasm_id": "116f18170fdc4a1a87146164a880fb93" }, "username": "anon_2wipg0symxwmm4i1", "kasm_url": "/#/connect/join/30a09d61/583035bb58194e5183b921223badc569/c9ade890-7693-44bc-a1d4-797bbddf6771" } **Arguments** user_id* *string*: The user ID used to create the join link. If none supplied an anonymous user will be created. share_id *string*: The share ID of the desired kasm. \* Optional **Response Format** current_time *string*: Returns the time at which the call was received in UTC. kasm *json object*: Returns the Kasm object containing all of the current information. kasm_url *string*: Returns the link path to the specified shared kasm. This path must be appended to the current kasm server address. It is in the form of /#/connect/join/// Direct the user's browser to this url to access the Kasm session. This link should not be re-used for different users. session_token *string*: Returns the token created for the user used in authorization of the Kasm. username *string*: Returns the username of the specified or newly created user. user_id *string*: Returns the user ID of the specified or newly created user. Get Kasms +++++++++ Retrieve a list of live sessions. .. http:post:: /api/public/get_kasms **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}" } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "current_time": "2020-11-12 13:45:33.253299", "kasms": [ { "expiration_date": "2020-11-12 14:28:40.446756", "container_ip": "", "server": { "port": 443, "hostname": "proxy", "zone_name": "default", "provider": "hardware" }, "user": { "username": "anon_2wipg0symxwmm4i1" }, "start_date": "2020-11-12 13:28:40.446737", "point_of_presence": null, "token": "43ab8a765e1e42fe9ee637783731f577", "image_id": "e12266d0f5f44bf5afb80b6c41fabce2", "view_only_token": "6f756f76e8704772bd8e32eb4d7bb835", "cores": 1.0, "hostname": "proxy", "kasm_id": "116f18170fdc4a1a87146164a880fb93", "port_map": { "audio": { "port": 443, "path": "desktop/116f1817-0fdc-4a1a-8714-6164a880fb93/audio" }, "vnc": { "port": 443, "path": "desktop/116f1817-0fdc-4a1a-8714-6164a880fb93/vnc" }, "audio_input": { "port": 443, "path": "desktop/116f1817-0fdc-4a1a-8714-6164a880fb93/audio_input" }, "uploads": { "port": 443, "path": "desktop/116f1817-0fdc-4a1a-8714-6164a880fb93/uploads" } }, "image": { "image_id": "e12266d0f5f44bf5afb80b6c41fabce2", "name": "kasmweb/chrome:1.8.0", "image_src": "img/thumbnails/chrome.png", "friendly_name": "Kasm Chrome" }, "is_persistent_profile": false, "memory": 1768000000, "operational_status": "running", "client_settings": { "allow_kasm_audio": false, "idle_disconnect": 20, "lock_sharing_video_mode": true, "allow_persistent_profile": false, "allow_kasm_clipboard_down": false, "allow_kasm_microphone": false, "allow_kasm_downloads": false, "kasm_audio_default_on": false, "allow_point_of_presence": false, "allow_kasm_uploads": false, "allow_kasm_clipboard_up": false, "enable_webp": false, "allow_kasm_sharing": true, "allow_kasm_clipboard_seamless": false }, "container_id": "dbc977159f79e55c466fec52a5b4954b7c26ba88e51937d85a5077d7c79e92e5", "port": 443, "keepalive_date": "2020-11-12 13:28:40.446754", "user_id": "583035bb58194e5183b921223badc569", "persistent_profile_mode": null, "share_id": "30a09d61", "host": "", "server_id": "8270f8f0acfd4a34a56cc9a9cb7a67d9" } ] } Destroy Kasm ++++++++++++ Destroy kasm can be called to destroy a Kasm. .. http:post:: /api/public/destroy_kasm **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}" "kasm_id": "1a85859d-9d75-45e1-a173-e720472a24f8", "user_id": "4d892bf39321494da9a159178972c147", } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json {} **Arguments** user_id *string*: The user ID used of the kasm owner. kasm_id *string*: The ID of the kasm to be destroyed. **Response Format** If empty response is sent the Kasm was successfully deleted. Keepalive +++++++++ Issue a keepalive to reset the expiration time of a Kasm session. The new expiration time will be updated to reflect the **keepalive_expiration** :doc:`Group Setting <../guide/groups>` assigned to the Kasm's associated user. .. http:post:: /api/public/keepalive **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}" "kasm_id": "1a85859d-9d75-45e1-a173-e720472a24f8" } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "usage_reached": false } **Arguments** kasm_id *string*: The ID of the kasm to issue the expiration update. **Response Format** The response returns a single value **usage_reached**. If `true`, the user has exceeded the quota defined be the **usage_limit** group setting and the expiration time was **not** reset. Frame Stats +++++++++++ Gets timing statistics for the next processed frame for a Kasm session. A user must be logged in and using a session for this API call to work. The stats include detailed timing stats on the processing of a single frame. Stats include frame analysis, jpeg/webp encoding, time in flight to client, and more. .. http:post:: /api/public/get_kasm_frame_stats **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", "kasm_id": "1a85859d-9d75-45e1-a173-e720472a24f8", "user_id": "4035b5e67750416cb8d6db14573ea38c", "client": "auto" } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "frame": { "resx": 1512, "resy": 858, "changed": 10, "server_time": 12}, "clients": [ { "client": "", "client_time": 0, "ping": 27, "processes": [{"process_name": "scanRenderQ", "time": 0}] } ], "analysis": 2, "screenshot": 2, "encoding_total": 2, "videoscaling": 0, "tightjpegencoder": {"time": 0, "count": 5, "area": 23005}, "tightwebpencoder": {"time": 0, "count": 0, "area": 0} } **Arguments** kasm_id *string*: The ID of the kasm to get the stats for user_id *string*: The ID of the user the session belongs to client* *string*: Which client to retrieve stats for: none, auto, all, or . **auto** is the default and this will automatically select the client side stats for only the owner of the Kasm session. Use **none** for Server side stats only. Use **all** to get stats for all websocket clients. Use a KasmVNC websocket id, such as, to specify a specific client. \* Optional **Response Format** resx *integer*: Resolution of frame on x axis. resy *integer*: Resolutino of frame on y axis. changed *integer*: Percentage of frame that had changes from last frame. server_time *integer*: Wall clock time to process frame in ms. Many processes are multi-threaded, this stat shows what the actual time was to fully process the frame serverside. analysis *integer*: Time taken, in ms, to perform pre-processing of the frame to determine changes. encoding_total *integer*: Time taken, in ms, to perform encoding. A frame is broken down into rects and based on processing power the rects are encoded in a mix of jpeg and webp and multiple threads. This time indicates the total wall clock time taken to perform encoding. videoscaling *integer*: When in video mode this represents the time taken, in ms, to perform scaling of the frame. tightjpegencoder *integer*: Total time, in ms, taken to processes all jpeg rects. Processing occurs in parrallel and this is the aggregate runtime of all threads and is thus not wall clock time. tightwebpencoder *integer*: Total time, in ms, taken to process all webp rects. Processing occurs in parrallel and this is the aggregate runtime of all threads and is thus not wall clock time. clients *array*: Array of client side stats for each connected client. At this time, ping is the only relevant stat. Ping is the amount of round trip time it takes for comms to the client, divide by two to get one way trip time. Bottleneck Stats ++++++++++++++++ Returns CPU and network bottleneck statistics that are relevant to the Kasm rendering process, KasmVNC. These metrics may be used to determine if rendering performance issues are CPU constraints on the server-side KasmVNC process or network bandwidth constraints. Stats are returned for each connected client. Since Kasm supports sharing sessions, there can be multiple clients connected to a single session. .. http:post:: /api/public/get_kasm_bottleneck_stats **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", "kasm_id": "1a85859d-9d75-45e1-a173-e720472a24f8", "user_id": "4035b5e67750416cb8d6db14573ea38c" } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "kasm_user": { "": [ 9.8, 9.8, 9.7, 9.7 ] } } **Arguments** kasm_id *string*: The ID of the kasm to issue the expiration update. user_id *string*: The ID of the user that owns the session. **Response Format** The response is JSON data containing an array of kasm user sessions. Each session has a dictionary entry with the key being the KasmVNC identifier for that websocket connection. The value is an array of decimal values ranging from 0 to 10. They represent, in order: CPU, CPU average, network, and network average. The lower the number, the moreconstrained KasmVNC is in being able to keep up with the target framerate. Screenshot ++++++++++ Gets a screenshot of the requested session. .. http:post:: /api/public/get_kasm_screenshot **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", "kasm_id": "1a85859d-9d75-45e1-a173-e720472a24f8", "user_id": "4035b5e67750416cb8d6db14573ea38c", "width": 300, "height": 300 } .. code-tab:: bash curl https://kasm.example.com/api/public/get_kasm_screenshot -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -k -d '{ "api_key": "Tqfi8qmFOrkp", "api_key_secret": "nEtNfNkXx46nEoYpJpVug2c9xP4dpqR8", "kasm_id": "95018d17759e4fffbb5670c9d6c412d0", "user_id": "4035b5e67750416cb8d6db14573ea38c", "width": 1000 }' -o /tmp/image.jpg **Arguments** kasm_id *string*: The ID of the kasm to issue the expiration update. user_id *string*: The ID of the user the session belongs to. width* *integer*: The width of the image. Default is 300. height* *integer*: The height of the image. Height is automatically overriden because the apsect ratio is kept and the height is adjusted accordingly. \* Optional **Response Format** The response is a JPEG image. Exec Command ++++++++++++ Execute an arbitrary command inside of a user's session. .. http:post:: /api/public/exec_command_kasm **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", "kasm_id": "1a85859d-9d75-45e1-a173-e720472a24f8", "user_id": "4035b5e67750416cb8d6db14573ea38c", "exec_config": { "cmd": "xterm -c 'echo hello'", "environment": { "SOME_ENV_VAR": "some value" }, "workdir": "/home/kasm-user", "privileged": false, "user": "root" } } .. code-tab:: bash curl https://kasm.example.com/api/public/exec_command_kasm -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -k -d '{ "api_k "Tqfi8qmFOrkp", "api_key_secret": "nEtNfNkXx46nEoYpJpVug2c9xP4dpqR8", "kasm_id": "5dff73a8-8b6b-4b8b-bff7-48183a7c757b", "user_id": "4035b5e67750416cb8d6db14573ea38c", "exec_config": { "cmd": "xterm", "environment": { "SOME_ENV_VAR": "value" } } }' **Arguments** kasm_id *string*: The ID of the kasm to issue the expiration update. user_id *string*: The ID of the user the session belongs to. exec_config *dict*: Dictionary of execution settings and the command to run. exec_config.cmd *string*: The command to run within the user's container. exec_config.environment* *dict*: Environmental variables to be added to the environment for this exec session. exec_config.workdir* *string*: Path to working directory for this exec session. exec_config.privileged* *bool*: Run exec session as privileged. exec_config.user* *string*: The user to run the command as. By default it runs as the sandboxed normal user account. Specifying 'root' as the value will run the command as root inside the container and bypass the sandboxing that Kasm puts in place. The user value should be either root or not specified so that it runs as the sandboxed user, any other setting will result in the command failing. \* Optional **Response Format** kasm *dict*: A dictionary containing details about the container that the command was executed on. current_time *timestamp*: The date and time the command was executed, in UTC. Session Component Control +++++++++++++++++++++++++ The developer may choose to hide the display of certain visual components that normally appear during a Kasm session. This is done by appending the following query arguments to any of the `kasm_url` response urls generated by the apis above. **Example** .. sourcecode:: /#/connect/join/89cc8cd3/c7357f11eb4d47ad8021b5847d8415d8/070fce1f-86c6-4e05-9b10-935632acb8ce?disable_control_panel=1&disable_tips=1&disable_chat=1&disable_fixed_res=1 **Query Arguments** disable_control_panel=1 Hides the Kasm control panel that is normally used for uploads, downloads etc. Users will be unable to access this functionality. disable_tips=1 Stops the tips modal from showing when the user connects to a session. disable_chat=1 Hides the chat interface for shared sessions. disable_fixed_res=1 By default, shared sessions are forced into a fixed resolution and aspect ratio. When specified this will allow the shared session to operate with a dynamic resolution and aspect ratio. Images ~~~~~~ Get Images ++++++++++ Retrieve a list of available images. .. http:post:: /api/public/get_images **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}" } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "images": [ { "restrict_to_network": false, "memory": 768000000, "zone_name": null, "x_res": 800, "description": "Single-Application : Chrome", "image_id": "b483f0a4fb6546f79064f9b6759758cb", "persistent_profile_path": null, "friendly_name": "Kasm Chrome", "volume_mappings": {}, "restrict_to_zone": false, "docker_token": null, "persistent_profile_config": {}, "cores": 1.0, "docker_registry": "https://index.docker.io/v1/", "available": true, "run_config": { "hostname": "kasm" }, "imageAttributes": [ { "image_id": "b483f0a4fb6546f79064f9b6759758cb", "attr_id": "11cd3b92d73c4caaa84c70e75190ec25", "name": "vnc", "category": "port_map", "value": "6901/tcp" }, { "image_id": "b483f0a4fb6546f79064f9b6759758cb", "attr_id": "ec1531322190445db70d10c31766503a", "name": "audio", "category": "port_map", "value": "4901/tcp" }, { "image_id": "b483f0a4fb6546f79064f9b6759758cb", "attr_id": "3634ba1144bc4f64a932a561983c64f5", "name": "uploads", "category": "port_map", "value": "4902/tcp" } ], "docker_user": null, "restrict_to_server": false, "enabled": true, "name": "kasmweb/chrome:1.8.0", "zone_id": null, "y_res": 600, "server_id": null, "network_name": null, "exec_config": { "first_launch": { "environment": { "LAUNCH_URL": "" }, "cmd": "bash -c 'google-chrome --start-maximized \"$KASM_URL\"'" }, "go": { "cmd": "bash -c 'google-chrome --start-maximized \"$KASM_URL\"'" } }, "hash": null, "image_src": "img/thumbnails/chrome.png" } ] } Groups ~~~~~~ Add User to Group +++++++++++++++++ Add a user to an existing group. .. http:post:: /api/public/add_user_group **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", "target_user": { "user_id": "67d7c4e6-f891-4900-897f-ce5ed62fecc0" }, "target_group": { "group_id": "87fd617577984033be5bd269b4d170c6" } } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json {} Remove User from Group ++++++++++++++++++++++ Remove a user from an existing group. .. http:post:: /api/public/remove_user_group **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", "target_user": { "user_id": "67d7c4e6-f891-4900-897f-ce5ed62fecc0" }, "target_group": { "group_id": "87fd617577984033be5bd269b4d170c6" } } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json {} Login ~~~~~ Get Login +++++++++ Generate a link for the user to login to Kasm without the need to enter a username or password. Redirect the user to the provided url. .. http:post:: /api/public/get_login **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", "target_user": { "user_id": "67d7c4e6-f891-4900-897f-ce5ed62fecc0" } } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "url": "https://kasm.server/#/connect/login/dash/57e8fc1afa864ff4947460d9831f42d5/930d6a5d-082e-438a-b5cf-98ae7ca5b67c" } Licensing ~~~~~~~~~ Activate +++++++++ License the deployment by submitting an activation key. If valid, the returned license key will automatically be applied to the deployment. .. http:post:: /api/public/activate **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", "activation_key": "-----BEGIN ACTIVATION KEY-----eyJ0eXAiOiJ...-----END ACTIVATION KEY-----", "seats" : 10, "issued_to": "ACME Corp" } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "license": { "license_id": "12e887e9e94a4615849f7963e9c85363", "expiration": "2022-11-06 18:07:08", "issued_at": "2021-11-05 18:07:08", "issued_to": "ACME Corp", "limit": 10, "is_verified": true, "license_type": "Per Concurrent Kasm", "features": { "auto_scaling": true, "branding": true, "session_staging": true, "session_casting": true, "log_forwarding": true, "developer_api": true, "inject_ssh_keys": true, "saml": true, "ldap": true, "session_sharing": true, "login_banner": true, "url_categorization": true, "usage_limit": true }, "sku": "Enterprise" } } **Arguments** activation_key *string*: The activation key provide by Kasm Technologies. seats* *integer*: The desired number of seats to license the deployment for. If omitted the deployment will be licensed using the maximum number of seats as dictated by the entitlement. issued_to* *string*: A string representing the organization the deployment is licensed for. \* Optional **Response Format** license *json object*: The detailed information about the license generated. Session Staging ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get Staging Configs +++++++++++++++++++ Get a list of Staging Configs. .. http:post:: /api/public/get_staging_configs **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}" } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "staging_configs": [ { "staging_config_id": "73f18b8826b74fb29a1066fb394878bc", "zone_id": "e35b0ebd444d4120ad6d4f3db221003d", "zone_name": "default", "image_id": "77b244ea4586469abde4feade309c377", "image_friendly_name": "Chrome", "num_sessions": 2, "num_current_sessions": 0, "expiration": 1, "allow_kasm_audio": true, "allow_kasm_uploads": false, "allow_kasm_downloads": true, "allow_kasm_clipboard_down": true, "allow_kasm_clipboard_up": true, "allow_kasm_microphone": true } ] } **Response Format** staging_configs *json object*: A list of Staging Configs. Get Staging Config ++++++++++++++++++ Get an existing Staging Config. .. http:post:: /api/public/get_staging_config **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", "target_staging_config": { "staging_config_id": "ac3f18aa42ca4365874e51ab24f893c6" } } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "staging_config": { "staging_config_id": "ac3f18aa42ca4365874e51ab24f893c6", "zone_id": "e35b0ebd444d4120ad6d4f3db221003d", "zone_name": "default", "image_id": "23b8330701e8492d985c25b2736ab522", "image_friendly_name": "Kali Linux", "num_sessions": 1, "num_current_sessions": 0, "expiration": 1.0, "allow_kasm_audio": true, "allow_kasm_uploads": true, "allow_kasm_downloads": true, "allow_kasm_clipboard_down": true, "allow_kasm_clipboard_up": true, "allow_kasm_microphone": true } } **Arguments** target_staging_config.staging_config_id *string*: The ID of the staging config to be updated. **Response Format** staging_config *json object*: The requested staging config. Create Staging Config +++++++++++++++++++++ Create a new Staging Config. .. http:post:: /api/public/create_staging_config **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", "target_staging_config": { "zone_id": "e35b0ebd444d4120ad6d4f3db221003d", "image_id": "23b8330701e8492d985c25b2736ab522", "num_sessions": 1, "expiration": 1, "allow_kasm_audio": true, "allow_kasm_uploads": true, "allow_kasm_downloads": true, "allow_kasm_clipboard_down": true, "allow_kasm_clipboard_up": true, "allow_kasm_microphone": true } } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "staging_config": { "staging_config_id": "ac3f18aa42ca4365874e51ab24f893c6", "zone_id": "e35b0ebd444d4120ad6d4f3db221003d", "zone_name": "default", "image_id": "23b8330701e8492d985c25b2736ab522", "image_friendly_name": "Kali Linux", "num_sessions": 1, "num_current_sessions": 0, "expiration": 1, "allow_kasm_audio": true, "allow_kasm_uploads": true, "allow_kasm_downloads": true, "allow_kasm_clipboard_down": true, "allow_kasm_clipboard_up": true, "allow_kasm_microphone": true } } **Arguments** target_staging_config.zone_id *string*: The Zone Id for the staging config. target_staging_config.image_id *string*: The Image Id to use for the staging config. target_staging_config.num_sessions *integer* The number of sessions the system will attempt to have staged at any given time. target_staging_config.expiration *integer* Staged sessions that have not been assigned to a user will expire after this amount of time (in hours). The system will destroy the staged sessions and re-created them. target_staging_config.allow_kasm_audio *bool* When enabled, the staged session will support streaming audio from the session to the user. target_staging_config.allow_kasm_uploads *bool* When enabled, the staged session will allow the user to upload files from their local computer to the session via the upload widget in the control panel. target_staging_config.allow_kasm_downloads *bool* When enabled, the staged session will allow download files from the session to their local computer via the control panel download widget. target_staging_config.allow_kasm_clipboard_down *bool* When enabled, the staged session will allow copying data from the session to the users local computer via the clipboard. target_staging_config.allow_kasm_clipboard_up *bool* When enabled, the staged session will allow copying data from the user’s local computer to the session. target_staging_config.allow_kasm_microphone *bool* When enabled, the staged session will allow the user to pass their local microphone into the session. **Response Format** staging_config *json object*: The created staging config. Update Staging Config +++++++++++++++++++++ Get a list of Staging Configs. .. http:post:: /api/public/update_staging_config **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", "target_staging_config": { "staging_config_id": "73f18b8826b74fb29a1066fb394878bc", "zone_id": "e35b0ebd444d4120ad6d4f3db221003d", "image_id": "77b244ea4586469abde4feade309c377", "num_sessions": 2, "expiration": 2, "allow_kasm_audio": false, "allow_kasm_uploads": false, "allow_kasm_downloads": false, "allow_kasm_clipboard_down": false, "allow_kasm_clipboard_up": false, "allow_kasm_microphone": false } } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "staging_config": { "staging_config_id": "73f18b8826b74fb29a1066fb394878bc", "zone_id": "e35b0ebd444d4120ad6d4f3db221003d", "zone_name": "default", "image_id": "77b244ea4586469abde4feade309c377", "image_friendly_name": "Chrome", "num_sessions": 2, "num_current_sessions": 0, "expiration": 2, "allow_kasm_audio": false, "allow_kasm_uploads": false, "allow_kasm_downloads": false, "allow_kasm_clipboard_down": false, "allow_kasm_clipboard_up": false, "allow_kasm_microphone": false } } **Arguments** target_staging_config.staging_config_id *string*: The ID of the staging config to be updated. target_staging_config.zone_id* *string*: The Zone Id for the staging config. target_staging_config.image_id* *string*: The Image Id to use for the staging config. target_staging_config.num_sessions* *integer* The number of sessions the system will attempt to have staged at any given time. target_staging_config.expiration* *integer* Staged sessions that have not been assigned to a user will expire after this amount of time (in hours). The system will destroy the staged sessions and re-created them. target_staging_config.allow_kasm_audio* *bool* When enabled, the staged session will support streaming audio from the session to the user. target_staging_config.allow_kasm_uploads* *bool* When enabled, the staged session will allow the user to upload files from their local computer to the session via the upload widget in the control panel. target_staging_config.allow_kasm_downloads* *bool* When enabled, the staged session will allow download files from the session to their local computer via the control panel download widget. target_staging_config.allow_kasm_clipboard_down* *bool* When enabled, the staged session will allow copying data from the session to the users local computer via the clipboard. target_staging_config.allow_kasm_clipboard_up* *bool* When enabled, the staged session will allow copying data from the user’s local computer to the session. target_staging_config.allow_kasm_microphone* *bool* When enabled, the staged session will allow the user to pass their local microphone into the session. \* Optional **Response Format** staging_config *json object*: The updated staging config. Delete Staging Config +++++++++++++++++++++ Delete an existing Staging Config. .. http:post:: /api/public/delete_staging_config **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", "target_staging_config": { "staging_config_id": "ac3f18aa42ca4365874e51ab24f893c6" } } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json {} **Arguments** target_staging_config.staging_config_id *string*: The ID of the staging config to be updated. **Response Format** If empty, the delete request was successful Deployment Zones ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get Zones +++++++++ Get a list of Deployment Zones. .. http:post:: /api/public/get_zones **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", "brief" : true } **Example response** (Truncated for brevity): .. sourcecode:: json { "zones": [ { "zone_id": "556641990fbd433197b9e8f0d1e0404a", "zone_name": "default", "auto_scaling_enabled": false, "aws_enabled": false, "aws_region": "us-east-1", "aws_access_key_id": "changeme", "aws_secret_access_key": "**********", "ec2_agent_ami_id": "changeme" } ] } **Arguments** brief* *bool*: Limit the information returned for each zone. \* Optional **Response Format** zones *json object*: A list of Deployment Zones. Session Tokens ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Session tokens authenticate user’s requests to access functionality within the system. **Attributes** session_token This is the value of the token: (UUID) session_date The time the token was created or last promoted (DateTime) expires_at The time the token will no longer be valid. This is session_date + the global setting “Session Lifetime” (DateTime) Create Session Token ++++++++++++++++++++ Create a session token for a user. .. http:post:: /api/public/create_session_token **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", "target_user": { "user_id": "009c3779-4fa0-4af8-9722-8daf195718c0" } } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "session_token": { "session_token": "c324f7296dd3406594a261b411c862bb", "session_token_date": "2021-12-22 08:05:44.508675", "expires_at": "2021-12-23 08:05:44.508675" } } Get Session Token +++++++++++++++++ Query the information about a specific session token. .. http:post:: /api/public/get_session_token **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", "target_session_token": { "session_token": "b8885ffe108f491dbb66be31bceb34c2" } } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "session_token": { "session_token": "b8885ffe108f491dbb66be31bceb34c2", "session_token_date": "2021-12-22 08:00:24.033284", "expires_at": "2021-12-25 16:00:24.033284" } } Get Session Tokens ++++++++++++++++++ Get all session tokens for a user. .. http:post:: /api/public/get_session_tokens **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", "target_user": { "user_id": "009c3779-4fa0-4af8-9722-8daf195718c0" } } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "session_tokens": [ { "session_token": "b8885ffe108f491dbb66be31bceb34c2", "session_token_date": "2021-12-22 07:50:11.047577", "expires_at": "2021-12-25 15:50:11.047577" }, { "session_token": "01904563d58f43f2b6e8fdcc610728dc", "session_token_date": "2021-12-22 07:53:54.742402", "expires_at": "2021-12-25 15:53:54.742402" } ] } Update Session Token ++++++++++++++++++++ Promote an existing session token. .. http:post:: /api/public/update_session_token **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", "target_session_token": { "session_token": "b8885ffe108f491dbb66be31bceb34c2" } } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "session_token": { "session_token": "b8885ffe108f491dbb66be31bceb34c2", "session_token_date": "2021-12-22 08:11:52.913849", "expires_at": "2021-12-23 08:11:52.913849" } } Delete Session Token ++++++++++++++++++++ Delete a single session token for the user. .. http:post:: /api/public/delete_session_token **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", "target_session_token": { "session_token": "b8885ffe108f491dbb66be31bceb34c2" } } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json {} Delete Session Tokens +++++++++++++++++++++ Delete all session tokens for a given user. .. http:post:: /api/public/delete_session_tokens **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", "target_user": { "user_id": "009c3779-4fa0-4af8-9722-8daf195718c0" } } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json {} Shared Session Permissions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Developers may wish to have more than one user access a single session. In order to give secondary users access to a given session, the develop must explicitly give another user access via Session Permissions after placing the session in Sharing mode. Session Permissions only apply to non-owners of the Kasm session. **Attributes** session_permissions_id A unique identifier given to the session permission entry kasm_id The Kasm session id for the permission user_id The User Id for the permission vnc_username The auto-generated vnc user that maps to the permission. This is exposed inside the session container. access Access flags that determine the level of permissions. E.g :code:`"access": "r"`. * Freeze: :code:`"access": ""`. The users us able to connect but will not receive screen updates, nor be able to imput controls * Read: :code:`"access": "r"` The user will receive screen updates but will not be able to control inputs * Read/Write :code:`"access": "rw"` (implied read). The user will receive screen updates and control inputs Set Session Permissions +++++++++++++++++++++++ Give a set of users access to a Kasm session. .. http:post:: /api/public/set_session_permissions **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", "target_session_permissions": { "kasm_id": "e31320b3-4ef2-41dd-aa6e-f9e85270cd7e", "session_permissions": [ { "user_id": "2e559e29-9bf1-45a2-8c08-c30c7c253e42", "access": "rw" }, { "user_id": "e64c996c-efc1-4754-8f71-816a78619f39", "access": "r" }, { "user_id": "5edbadc6-886e-4ad8-9ff7-97f396a9d747", "access": "" } ] } } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "session_permissions": [ { "session_permission_id": "c391e4267e574b3d90731b2a843a2b98", "kasm_id": "e31320b34ef241ddaa6ef9e85270cd7e", "user_id": "2e559e299bf145a28c08c30c7c253e42", "access": "rw", "vnc_username": "e9d2682a5e824de", "username": "user@kasm.local" }, { "session_permission_id": "62eb4ae2b0ec487db61e9dc36f47b342", "kasm_id": "e31320b34ef241ddaa6ef9e85270cd7e", "user_id": "e64c996cefc147548f71816a78619f39", "access": "r", "vnc_username": "49c073c7dd854ad", "username": "user2@kasm.local" }, { "session_permission_id": "b0e9d7ab859648289f70395570734a3e", "kasm_id": "e31320b34ef241ddaa6ef9e85270cd7e", "user_id": "5edbadc6886e4ad89ff797f396a9d747", "access": "", "vnc_username": "b8f50c6ba1cf424", "username": "user3@kasm.local" } ] } Set All Session Permissions +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Set the permissions for all participants for a given Kasm session. .. http:post:: /api/public/set_session_permissions **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", "target_session_permissions": { "kasm_id": "e31320b3-4ef2-41dd-aa6e-f9e85270cd7e", "access": "r" } } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "session_permissions": [ { "session_permission_id": "c391e4267e574b3d90731b2a843a2b98", "kasm_id": "e31320b34ef241ddaa6ef9e85270cd7e", "user_id": "2e559e299bf145a28c08c30c7c253e42", "access": "r", "vnc_username": "e9d2682a5e824de", "username": "user@kasm.local" }, { "session_permission_id": "62eb4ae2b0ec487db61e9dc36f47b342", "kasm_id": "e31320b34ef241ddaa6ef9e85270cd7e", "user_id": "e64c996cefc147548f71816a78619f39", "access": "r", "vnc_username": "49c073c7dd854ad", "username": "user2@kasm.local" }, { "session_permission_id": "b0e9d7ab859648289f70395570734a3e", "kasm_id": "e31320b34ef241ddaa6ef9e85270cd7e", "user_id": "5edbadc6886e4ad89ff797f396a9d747", "access": "r", "vnc_username": "b8f50c6ba1cf424", "username": "user3@kasm.local" } ] } Get Session Permissions +++++++++++++++++++++++ Get session permissions for a Kasm session and/or user .. http:post:: /api/public/get_session_permissions **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", "target_session_permissions" :{ "kasm_id": "e31320b3-4ef2-41dd-aa6e-f9e85270cd7e", "user_id": "5edbadc6886e4ad89ff797f396a9d747" } } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "session_permissions": [ { "session_permission_id": "b0e9d7ab859648289f70395570734a3e", "kasm_id": "e31320b34ef241ddaa6ef9e85270cd7e", "user_id": "5edbadc6886e4ad89ff797f396a9d747", "access": "", "vnc_username": "b8f50c6ba1cf424", "username": "user3@kasm.local" } ] } Delete Session Permissions ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Remove session permissions for a given Kasm session. .. http:post:: /api/public/delete_session_permissions **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", "target_session_permissions":{ "kasm_id": "e31320b3-4ef2-41dd-aa6e-f9e85270cd7e", "user_ids": [ "2e559e29-9bf1-45a2-8c08-c30c7c253e42", "e64c996c-efc1-4754-8f71-816a78619f39" ] } } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json {} Delete All Session Permissions ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Remove all participant session permissions for a given Kasm session. .. http:post:: /api/public/delete_all_session_permissions **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", "target_session_permissions":{ "kasm_id": "e31320b3-4ef2-41dd-aa6e-f9e85270cd7e" } } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json {} Session Casting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get Cast Configs ++++++++++++++++ Get a list of Casting Configs. .. http:post:: /api/public/get_cast_configs **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}" } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "cast_configs": [ { "cast_config_id": "e7fed0de23234a3084bffa3e8397759f", "image_id": "90c473864949488c902aa6e4adbf89a6", "image_friendly_name": "Chrome", "allowed_referrers": [ "acme.com", "contoso.com" ], "limit_sessions": false, "session_remaining": 0, "limit_ips": false, "ip_request_limit": 0, "ip_request_seconds": 0, "error_url": null, "enable_sharing": false, "disable_control_panel": false, "disable_tips": false, "disable_fixed_res": false, "key": "abc123", "allow_anonymous": true, "group_id": "68d557ac4cac42cca9f31c7c853de0f3", "require_recaptcha": true, "group_name": "All Users", "kasm_url": "https://google.com", "dynamic_kasm_url": false, "dynamic_docker_network": false, "allow_resume": true, "enforce_client_settings": true, "allow_kasm_audio": true, "allow_kasm_uploads": false, "allow_kasm_downloads": false, "allow_kasm_clipboard_down": false, "allow_kasm_clipboard_up": false, "allow_kasm_microphone": false, "valid_until": "2022-06-20 10:00:00", "allow_kasm_sharing": false, "kasm_audio_default_on": true, "kasm_ime_mode_default_on": true } ] } **Response Format** cast_configs *json object*: A list of Casting Configs. Get Cast Config ++++++++++++++++ Get an existing Casting Config. .. http:post:: /api/public/get_cast_config **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", "cast_config_id": "ac3f18aa42ca4365874e51ab24f893c6" } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "cast_config": { "cast_config_id": "e7fed0de23234a3084bffa3e8397759f", "image_id": "90c473864949488c902aa6e4adbf89a6", "image_friendly_name": "Chrome", "allowed_referrers": [ "acme.com", "contoso.com" ], "limit_sessions": false, "session_remaining": 0, "limit_ips": false, "ip_request_limit": 0, "ip_request_seconds": 0, "error_url": null, "enable_sharing": false, "disable_control_panel": false, "disable_tips": false, "disable_fixed_res": false, "key": "abc123", "allow_anonymous": true, "group_id": "68d557ac4cac42cca9f31c7c853de0f3", "require_recaptcha": true, "group_name": "All Users", "kasm_url": "https://google.com", "dynamic_kasm_url": false, "dynamic_docker_network": false, "allow_resume": true, "enforce_client_settings": true, "allow_kasm_audio": true, "allow_kasm_uploads": false, "allow_kasm_downloads": false, "allow_kasm_clipboard_down": false, "allow_kasm_clipboard_up": false, "allow_kasm_microphone": false, "valid_until": "2022-06-20 10:00:00", "allow_kasm_sharing": false, "kasm_audio_default_on": true, "kasm_ime_mode_default_on": true } } **Arguments** cast_config_id *string*: The ID of the casting config to be queried. **Response Format** cast_config *json object*: The requested Casting config. Create Cast Config +++++++++++++++++++ Create a Session Casting Config .. http:post:: /api/public/create_cast_config **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", "target_cast_config": { "image_id": "5383dd0238a94554b4611d2a9f943cda", "allowed_referrers": [ "example.com", "contoso.com" ], "limit_sessions": false, "session_remaining": 0, "limit_ips": false, "ip_request_limit": 0, "ip_request_seconds": 0, "error_url": null, "enable_sharing": false, "disable_control_panel": false, "disable_tips": false, "disable_fixed_res": false, "key": "123", "allow_anonymous": false, "group_id": null, "require_recaptcha": false, "kasm_url": null, "dynamic_kasm_url": false, "dynamic_docker_network": false, "allow_resume": true, "enforce_client_settings": true, "allow_kasm_audio": true, "allow_kasm_uploads": false, "allow_kasm_downloads": false, "allow_kasm_clipboard_down": false, "allow_kasm_clipboard_up": false, "allow_kasm_microphone": false, "valid_until": "2022-06-20 10:00:00", "allow_kasm_sharing": false, "kasm_audio_default_on": true, "kasm_ime_mode_default_on": true } } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "cast_config": { "cast_config_id": "c423b160dc884000981da374842b0ef8", "image_id": "5383dd0238a94554b4611d2a9f943cda", "image_friendly_name": "Ubuntu Focal", "allowed_referrers": [ "example.com", "contoso.com" ], "limit_sessions": false, "session_remaining": 0, "limit_ips": false, "ip_request_limit": 0, "ip_request_seconds": 0, "error_url": null, "enable_sharing": false, "disable_control_panel": false, "disable_tips": false, "disable_fixed_res": false, "key": "123", "allow_anonymous": false, "group_id": null, "require_recaptcha": false, "group_name": null, "kasm_url": null, "dynamic_kasm_url": false, "dynamic_docker_network": false, "allow_resume": true, "enforce_client_settings": true, "allow_kasm_audio": true, "allow_kasm_uploads": false, "allow_kasm_downloads": false, "allow_kasm_clipboard_down": false, "allow_kasm_clipboard_up": false, "allow_kasm_microphone": false, "valid_until": "2022-06-20 10:00:00", "allow_kasm_sharing": false, "kasm_audio_default_on": true, "kasm_ime_mode_default_on": true } } **Arguments** target_cast_config.image_id *string*: The Image Id to use for the casting config. target_cast_config.allowed_referrers* *list*: A list of domains allowed as referrers when a casting link is visited. target_cast_config.limit_sessions* *bool*: When enabled, the total number of sessions for this config will be limited. target_cast_config.session_remaining* *integer* The number of sessions that are allowed to be spawned from this casting link. target_cast_config.limit_ips* *integer* When enabled, the system will limit the number of requests that will employ rate-limiting based on the source IP of the request. (e.g limiting requests to 1 sessions per 60 seconds) target_cast_config.ip_request_limit* *bool* When limit_ips is enabled, this value is used as the total number of sessions that are allowed for the given time period as defined in Within Seconds. target_cast_config.ip_request_seconds* *bool* When Llimit_ips is enabled, this value sets the timeframe (in seconds) that is used for the source IP. target_cast_config.error_url* *bool* If defined, the user will be pushed to this URL when an error (such as IP rate limit violation) occurs. If left blank, an internal error page is shown. target_cast_config.enable_sharing* *bool* When enabled, this session will automatically have sharing activated. target_cast_config.disable_control_panel* *bool* When enabled, the Control Panel widget is not shown for the sessions. target_cast_config.disable_tips* *bool* When enabled, the Tips dialogue is not shown when a user enters a session. target_cast_config.disable_fixed_res* *bool* When enabled and the session is in sharing mode, the resolution will be dynamic. The resolution is typically fixed when a session enters sharing mode. target_cast_config.key* *bool* The unique identifier for a Casting URL. If 123abc is the key, users will launch sessions via the following URL https://my.kasm.server/#/cast/123abc target_cast_config.allow_anonymous* *bool* If enabled, requests to the Casting URL will not require authentication. Instead the system will create an anonymous users account for each new request. target_cast_config.group_id* *bool* When Allow Anonymous is enabled, the system will create new user accounts for each new request. These anonymous users accounts will automatically be added to the All Users Group and an additional Group defined here. Administrators can configure the appropriate Group Settings to configure permissions such as allow_kasm_downloads etc on this Group. target_cast_config.require_recaptcha* *bool* When Allow Anonymous is enabled, administrators can choose to have requests validated by Google reCAPTCHA . To use this feature, the Google reCAPTCHA Private Key and Google reCAPTCHA Site Key properties must be set in the Server Settings. target_cast_config.kasm_url* *bool* If defined, this value will populate as the KASM_URL environment variable for created or assigned Staged Sessions. These values are often used in the Docker Exec Configs of the browser Images. target_cast_config.dynamic_kasm_url* *bool* When enabled, the user is allowed to append a kasm_url query argument to the cast url. e.g https://kasm.server/#/cast/123?kasm_url=example.com If present the system will use this value as the KASM_URL. When used in conjunction with Allow Resume, this will open a new tab with the specified KASM_URL when the session is resumed target_cast_config.dynamic_docker_network* *bool* When enabled, the user is allowed to append a docker_network query argument to the cast url. e.g https://kasm.server/#/cast/123?docker_network=example_network The Image used must have Allow Network Selection enabled. target_cast_config.allow_resume* *bool* When enabled, authenticated users who already have a running session will have their session resumed instead of having a new session created when connecting to the same Casting URL target_cast_config.enforce_client_settings* *bool* When enabled, the client settings listed below will be enforced on the session , overriding the client settings attached to the user's group(s) target_cast_config.allow_kasm_audio* *bool* When enabled and, the staged session will support streaming audio from the session to the user. Applicable if enforce_client_settings is enabled. target_cast_config.allow_kasm_uploads* *bool* When enabled, the staged session will allow the user to upload files from their local computer to the session via the upload widget in the control panel. Applicable if enforce_client_settings is enabled. target_cast_config.allow_kasm_downloads* *bool* When enabled, the staged session will allow download files from the session to their local computer via the control panel download widget. Applicable if enforce_client_settings is enabled. target_cast_config.allow_kasm_clipboard_down* *bool* When enabled, the staged session will allow copying data from the session to the users local computer via the clipboard. Applicable if enforce_client_settings is enabled. target_cast_config.allow_kasm_clipboard_up* *bool* When enabled, the staged session will allow copying data from the user’s local computer to the session. Applicable if enforce_client_settings is enabled. target_cast_config.allow_kasm_microphone* *bool* When enabled, the staged session will allow the user to pass their local microphone into the session. Applicable if enforce_client_settings is enabled. target_cast_config.valid_until* *bool* When defined, the casting link will only be valid until this time, after which the client will be presented with an error. Defined in UTC. target_cast_config.allow_kasm_sharing* *bool* When enabled, the user will be able to place their session in sharing mode. Applicable if enforce_client_settings is enabled. target_cast_config.kasm_audio_default_on* *bool* When disabled, the audio service will be muted by default. Applicable if enforce_client_settings is enabled. target_cast_config.kasm_ime_mode_default_on* *bool* When enabled, IME mode will be enabled by default if the doesnt already have a local preference set. Applicable if enforce_client_settings is enabled. \* Optional **Response Format** cast_config *json object*: The updated casting config. Update Cast Config +++++++++++++++++++ Update a Session Casting Config .. http:post:: /api/public/update_cast_config **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", "target_cast_config": { "cast_config_id": "c423b160dc884000981da374842b0ef8", "image_id": "5383dd0238a94554b4611d2a9f943cda", "allowed_referrers": [ "example.com", "contoso.com" ], "limit_sessions": false, "session_remaining": 0, "limit_ips": false, "ip_request_limit": 0, "ip_request_seconds": 0, "error_url": null, "enable_sharing": false, "disable_control_panel": false, "disable_tips": false, "disable_fixed_res": false, "key": "123", "allow_anonymous": false, "group_id": null, "require_recaptcha": false, "kasm_url": null, "dynamic_kasm_url": false, "dynamic_docker_network": false, "allow_resume": true, "enforce_client_settings": true, "allow_kasm_audio": true, "allow_kasm_uploads": false, "allow_kasm_downloads": false, "allow_kasm_clipboard_down": false, "allow_kasm_clipboard_up": false, "allow_kasm_microphone": false, "valid_until": "2022-06-20 10:00:00", "allow_kasm_sharing": false, "kasm_audio_default_on": true, "kasm_ime_mode_default_on": true } } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json { "cast_config": { "cast_config_id": "c423b160dc884000981da374842b0ef8", "image_id": "5383dd0238a94554b4611d2a9f943cda", "image_friendly_name": "Ubuntu Focal", "allowed_referrers": [ "example.com", "contoso.com" ], "limit_sessions": false, "session_remaining": 0, "limit_ips": false, "ip_request_limit": 0, "ip_request_seconds": 0, "error_url": null, "enable_sharing": false, "disable_control_panel": false, "disable_tips": false, "disable_fixed_res": false, "key": "123", "allow_anonymous": false, "group_id": null, "require_recaptcha": false, "group_name": null, "kasm_url": null, "dynamic_kasm_url": false, "dynamic_docker_network": false, "allow_resume": true, "enforce_client_settings": true, "allow_kasm_audio": true, "allow_kasm_uploads": false, "allow_kasm_downloads": false, "allow_kasm_clipboard_down": false, "allow_kasm_clipboard_up": false, "allow_kasm_microphone": false, "valid_until": "2022-06-20 10:00:00", "allow_kasm_sharing": false, "kasm_audio_default_on": true, "kasm_ime_mode_default_on": true } } **Arguments** target_cast_config.cast_config_id *string*: The ID of the desired casting config to update. target_cast_config.image_id *string*: The Image Id to use for the casting config. target_cast_config.allowed_referrers* *list*: A list of domains allowed as referrers when a casting link is visited. target_cast_config.limit_sessions* *bool*: When enabled, the total number of sessions for this config will be limited. target_cast_config.session_remaining* *integer* The number of sessions that are allowed to be spawned from this casting link. target_cast_config.limit_ips* *integer* When enabled, the system will limit the number of requests that will employ rate-limiting based on the source IP of the request. (e.g limiting requests to 1 sessions per 60 seconds) target_cast_config.ip_request_limit* *bool* When limit_ips is enabled, this value is used as the total number of sessions that are allowed for the given time period as defined in Within Seconds. target_cast_config.ip_request_seconds* *bool* When Llimit_ips is enabled, this value sets the timeframe (in seconds) that is used for the source IP. target_cast_config.error_url* *bool* If defined, the user will be pushed to this URL when an error (such as IP rate limit violation) occurs. If left blank, an internal error page is shown. target_cast_config.enable_sharing* *bool* When enabled, this session will automatically have sharing activated. target_cast_config.disable_control_panel* *bool* When enabled, the Control Panel widget is not shown for the sessions. target_cast_config.disable_tips* *bool* When enabled, the Tips dialogue is not shown when a user enters a session. target_cast_config.disable_fixed_res* *bool* When enabled and the session is in sharing mode, the resolution will be dynamic. The resolution is typically fixed when a session enters sharing mode. target_cast_config.key* *bool* The unique identifier for a Casting URL. If 123abc is the key, users will launch sessions via the following URL https://my.kasm.server/#/cast/123abc target_cast_config.allow_anonymous* *bool* If enabled, requests to the Casting URL will not require authentication. Instead the system will create an anonymous users account for each new request. target_cast_config.group_id* *bool* When Allow Anonymous is enabled, the system will create new user accounts for each new request. These anonymous users accounts will automatically be added to the All Users Group and an additional Group defined here. Administrators can configure the appropriate Group Settings to configure permissions such as allow_kasm_downloads etc on this Group. target_cast_config.require_recaptcha* *bool* When Allow Anonymous is enabled, administrators can choose to have requests validated by Google reCAPTCHA . To use this feature, the Google reCAPTCHA Private Key and Google reCAPTCHA Site Key properties must be set in the Server Settings. target_cast_config.kasm_url* *bool* If defined, this value will populate as the KASM_URL environment variable for created or assigned Staged Sessions. These values are often used in the Docker Exec Configs of the browser Images. target_cast_config.dynamic_kasm_url* *bool* When enabled, the user is allowed to append a kasm_url query argument to the cast url. e.g https://kasm.server/#/cast/123?kasm_url=example.com If present the system will use this value as the KASM_URL. When used in conjunction with Allow Resume, this will open a new tab with the specified KASM_URL when the session is resumed target_cast_config.dynamic_docker_network* *bool* When enabled, the user is allowed to append a docker_network query argument to the cast url. e.g https://kasm.server/#/cast/123?docker_network=example_network The Image used must have Allow Network Selection enabled. target_cast_config.allow_resume* *bool* When enabled, authenticated users who already have a running session will have their session resumed instead of having a new session created when connecting to the same Casting URL target_cast_config.enforce_client_settings* *bool* When enabled, the client settings listed below will be enforced on the session , overriding the client settings attached to the user's group(s) target_cast_config.allow_kasm_audio* *bool* When enabled and, the staged session will support streaming audio from the session to the user. Applicable if enforce_client_settings is enabled. target_cast_config.allow_kasm_uploads* *bool* When enabled, the staged session will allow the user to upload files from their local computer to the session via the upload widget in the control panel. Applicable if enforce_client_settings is enabled. target_cast_config.allow_kasm_downloads* *bool* When enabled, the staged session will allow download files from the session to their local computer via the control panel download widget. Applicable if enforce_client_settings is enabled. target_cast_config.allow_kasm_clipboard_down* *bool* When enabled, the staged session will allow copying data from the session to the users local computer via the clipboard. Applicable if enforce_client_settings is enabled. target_cast_config.allow_kasm_clipboard_up* *bool* When enabled, the staged session will allow copying data from the user’s local computer to the session. Applicable if enforce_client_settings is enabled. target_cast_config.allow_kasm_microphone* *bool* When enabled, the staged session will allow the user to pass their local microphone into the session. Applicable if enforce_client_settings is enabled. target_cast_config.valid_until* *bool* When defined, the casting link will only be valid until this time, after which the client will be presented with an error. Defined in UTC. target_cast_config.allow_kasm_sharing* *bool* When enabled, the user will be able to place their session in sharing mode. Applicable if enforce_client_settings is enabled. target_cast_config.kasm_audio_default_on* *bool* When disabled, the audio service will be muted by default. Applicable if enforce_client_settings is enabled. target_cast_config.kasm_ime_mode_default_on* *bool* When enabled, IME mode will be enabled by default if the doesnt already have a local preference set. Applicable if enforce_client_settings is enabled. \* Optional **Response Format** cast_config *json object*: The updated casting config. Delete Cast Config ++++++++++++++++++ Get an existing Casting Config. .. http:post:: /api/public/delete_cast_config **Example request**: .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: json { "api_key": "{{api_key}}", "api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}", "cast_config_id": "ac3f18aa42ca4365874e51ab24f893c6" } **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: json {} **Arguments** cast_config_id *string*: The ID of the casting config to be queried. API Example ~~~~~~~~~~~ This is an example implementation of the Kasm Developer API using Python and Flask. The code can be downloaded from `Bitbucket `_