```{title} Subscription Tiers ``` # Subscription Tiers Kasm Cloud Personal has 3 tiers available with varying access to desktops and applications. ## Cloud Browser The Cloud Browser tier comes with 100 hours of use each month. The idle session timeout is set to 20 minutes. If a session is not interacted with for 20 minutes, it will automatically be destroyed. The minimum CPU cores allocated will be 1, but CPU utilization is allowed to burst above the minimum limit. RAM is limited to 2GB, which is enough for light browsing needs. **Workspaces** - Brave - Chrome - Chromium - Edge - Firefox - Vivaldi ## Cloud Desktop The Cloud Desktop tier comes with 200 hours of use each month. The idle session timeout is set to 30 minutes. If a session is not interacted with for 30 minutes, it will automatically be destroyed. The minimum CPU cores allocated will be 2, however, CPU utilization is allowed to burst above the minimum limit. RAM is limited to 4GB. **Additional Desktop Workspaces** - CentOS 7 - OpenSUSE Leap 15 - Oracle Linux 8 - Ubuntu Jammy **Additional App Workspaces** - Atom - Audacity - Blender - Discord - Doom (Demo) - FileZilla - Gimp - Inkscape - Insomnia - Libre Office - Only Office - Pinta - Postman - Remmina - Signal - Steam - Sublime Text - Teams - Telegram - Terminal - Thunderbird - Unity Hub - Visual Studio Hub - VLC - Zoom ## Cloud OSINT The Cloud OSINT Tier is for open source intelligence professionals. This tier is limited to 300 hours per month and has an idle session timeout of 60 minutes. If a session is not interacted with for 60 minutes, it will automatically be destroyed. The minimum CPU cores allocated will be 2, however, CPU utilization is allowed to burst above the minimum limit. RAM is limited to 4GB. **Additional OSINT Workspaces** - Tor Browser - Kali Linux - REMnux - Trace Labs - Maltego